
From Poor Sleep and High Stress to Relaxation and Focus

"Nurosym has significantly improved my overall well-being. And really, I'm very happy, very grateful for the results." - Dr. Rafael

Dr. Rafael's Full Story

 Hello, everyone. My name is Rafael. I'm from I'm a physician from Mexico. I want to share with you my experience with Nurosym. Personally, it has helped me to feel more relaxed, more focused and motivated throughout the day and to objectively measure my results. I took several tests. And after two months of use initially, the first test was the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index.

My score at first was six, and then improved to three. On the Goldberg Anxiety and Depression Scale, my anxiety score went two, from six, And my depression score went to two to zero. And also my perceived stress scale reflected a shift from medium perceived stress to low perceived stress. Lastly Nurosym has significantly improved my overall well-being.

And really, I'm very happy, very grateful for the results. Thank you very much.

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