
From Sleepless Nights to Restful Sleep: A Bruxism Breakthrough

"I'm very happy with the choice to use Nurosym." - Stefania

Stefania's Full Story

Hi, my name is Stefania. I'm a dentist, an Italian dentist. I've been using Nurosym for about three weeks now, one hour every day before going to sleep and I have to say that it really changed my life. In the last seven years, I had problems in falling asleep staying asleep all night long. And I already had tried everything, I have to say.

And nothing seemed to work, but now I'm, I can fall asleep and I don't wake up during the night and when I wake up in the morning, my face and neck muscles. They don't ache anymore. They don't feel so contracted. The other problem I had was bruxism and it improved significantly. So I'm very happy with the choice to use Nurosym.

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