
From Stress and Poor Sleep to Calm and Fast Recovery with Nurosym

"When you use frequencies for your nerve system and one of the best, I think, and easiest is Nurosym" - Elisabeth

Elisabeth's Full Story

Hello, I'm Elisabeth Brandau. I'm not only a pro sportive girl, I'm also a mom of three kids and I have my own business and my day schedule is full up from morning till evening. But in this way because I want to be sportive enough for me and I want to get a good rhythm of the day and without less stress and I want if I have stress to come fast down to calm I searching a tool for this, what's easiest, what you can transport everywhere.

And so I find Nurosym. I have used Nurosym now for four weeks and I'm really happy with this because it's really easy. It's only one frequency program. It's not much. It's only one tool. It's yeah, you can put it in the pocket and you can use it everywhere. My feedback was to use it one time to two times per day over one hour is really good.

I couldn't sleep much faster. I come down from stress level much faster and over the night, I recognition more. In this night when I use it, I have two, three nights I couldn't use it because I forget it to charging. You see the difference and you feel the difference.

What is when you could bet better accumulation, your parasympathicus and your sympathicus. I will use it more and more. And I hope you will try it too. The only thing was only how you adjustment for the beginning that is really fit, but all others you need to get your body in more regulation, get your focus and more energy for the day, and maybe that you can get all your termine and stuff to do over the day and you get a good, better recovery in sport.

When you use frequencies for your nerve system and one of the best, I think, and easiest is Nurosym. Yes.

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