Historias de Nurosym

From Chronic Pain to Long-Term Relief: Using Nurosym for a Healthier Life

"It's a handy little tool that can really boost your optimal healthy life. " - Cara

Cara's Full Story

My name is Cara Redpath, and I'm a registered nutritional therapist. I work with women experiencing chronic health conditions and chronic pain, and I've been trialing the Nurosym for the last six weeks, and I have to say I'm super impressed with the results, especially when it applies to clinic. So this little device, you attach it to your left ear.

To the tragus of your left ear, and it sends an electrical impulse down the vagus nerve, switching you from sympathetic nervous system dominance into parasympathetic nervous system dominance. And this has a range of benefits in the body, from a reduction in anxiety, to a reduction in gastrointestinal impacts and symptoms, to a reduction in chronic pain.

To reduction in migraine headaches and post-viral fatigue syndrome. So clinically, the application of this is huge. I should say for myself personally, as I've been using Nurosym, I've noticed two key benefits. One is a calming of my nervous system, and the other is a reduction in the chronic back pain I've had for the last decade.

I would say there's been a noticeable difference in that. So I'm going to keep using the Nurosym. It's a handy little tool that can really boost your optimal healthy life.

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