Nurosym Stories

30 Years of IBS, Nausea, and Abdominal Pain to Feeling Symptom-Free with Nurosym

"I can honestly say that within three days, the nausea began to subside and everything else followed on from then and I've been using it for about six months now and I feel like a different person." - Rohana

Rohana's Full Story

Hi, I suffered from IBS for about 30 years and the main symptoms were nausea, abdominal pain and fatigue. And I tried everything during that time, both prescribed by the doctor and other cures that I'd read about or heard about, and nothing had worked. Occasionally I might feel better for a few days, but I think that was actually a kind of psychological boost because it always went back to how it always had been.

And then I began to see the advertisements for Nurosym. And my first thought was, this is very expensive. But after a while I began to think, well, what's the harm in trying it? Because if it doesn't work, I will get my money back. And if it does work, then it's going to be worth every penny. So I ordered one and it arrived very quickly.

And I can honestly say that within three days, the nausea began to subside and everything else followed on from then and I've been using it for about six months now and I feel like a different person. It took me quite a while to even mention it to my husband that I was feeling better, let alone to believe it myself that this might work.

And I think that's because I had my hopes raised so many times before, just to have them dashed. But I think at this stage, six months on, I've never been without symptoms for anything like as long as that. And I am just thrilled. It's been life-changing for me and absolutely worth every penny.

And another thing I could say actually is that the customer support and service has been absolutely excellent. And I'm doing this review really because I just feel it would. It's helped me so much. It would be wonderful if it helped some other people as well. Okay. Thanks.

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