Nurosym Stories

Alleviating Post-Viral Fatigue Symptoms: Nurosym Success Story

"Five star rating for me. In this world where there's not much we can go on, this is one of the things we can." - Derek

Derek's Full Story

Hey everyone, my name is Derek and I got the Nurosym earlier this month.

I've had it for about three weeks now, three or four weeks, and it's the only thing besides pacing that has relieved my symptoms for post-viral fatigue.

So it's a little bit expensive, but I splurged and I'm so glad I did.

Of all the vagus nerve stimulation devices, it definitely has the most science behind it and it's easy to use.

And, in my opinion, it works really well.

So. Five star rating for me. In this world where there's not much we can go on, this is one of the things we can.

So, I highly recommend it.

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