Nurosym Stories

From Chronic Dizziness, Nausea, and Seizures Triggered by Light Sensitivity to Symptom Control with Nurosym

"This was the biggest improvement I ever had. No doctor could solve any of these problems. These are chronic symptoms that, yeah, I tried everywhere, all types of doctors, many neurologists, of course, and no one could ever fix it. So I'm really grateful for Nurosym and my wife for finding this for me." - Daniel

Daniel's Full Story

Hi, my name is Daniel and I've been using Nurosym for nine months. My wife got this device for my birthday and at first I thought it wouldn't help me, but it definitely did. And it changed my life. I had a stroke 2019, and it was a hemorrhagic stroke on the left side of my brain. For that reason, I lost the peripheral vision on the right side.

I also have memory loss and temperamental issues. Now, then I had an anabolization and after that I had my first seizure, general seizure, and since then I am epileptic. And then two years afterwards, after changing, some medication, antiepileptic medication, I got damaged for life and now I can't look down or carry any weight for, let's say, 30 seconds and without having dizziness, nausea, blurry vision. Some sensation on my teeth.

And if I ignore these symptoms, it progresses to some headaches and eventually a generalized seizure. Another thing that triggers these symptoms is the light. If the light bothers my eyes, it makes me have all of these symptoms. So yeah. And actually the light is pretty much the worst because that's something that I can't avoid.

I can avoid looking down. I can avoid carrying weight, but I can't really avoid the light. Right. So that's where Nurosym showed up and helped me so much because since the first time I tried, if, when I use it. On the next day, the light might still bother me, but then it doesn't cause any symptoms.

And this is a huge improvement in my life, because, if the light is bothering me, I will be having these symptoms constantly. And if I look down and carry weight, this adds to the problem, and then I feel really, really bad. So, I had to live my life, absolutely horribly, trying to avoid at all costs looking down or carrying any weight, because usually the light is already affecting me.

Now with Nurosym, I don't have this issue anymore with the light, so I can look down and I can carry weight, because I know that it's gonna make me feel bad. But then it will go away. This was the biggest improvement I ever had. No doctor could solve any of these problems. These are chronic symptoms that, yeah, I tried everywhere, all types of doctors, many neurologists, of course, and no one could ever fix it.

So I'm really grateful for Nurosym and my wife for finding this for me.

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