Nurosym Stories

From Chronic Fatigue and Brain Fog to 80% Recovery with Nurosym Device

"I wouldn't say that I'm 100 percent healed, but I would say that I'm at least 80 percent better." - Linus

Linus' Full Story

I've been using the Nurosym device for nine months now and I quickly wanted to share my experience. So I had chronic fatigue for quite a while and after a couple years and doing a lot of research I realized that it had all to do with the nervous system and by chance I found out about the Nurosym device.

And so that it helped people with chronic fatigue, long COVID or similar diseases with similar symptoms. So I decided to give it a shot, tried it for 30 days, and then decided to send it back because I honestly didn't really feel that much improvement. So customer support reached out to me and offered to extend the trial period for another 30 days, because usually they see improvements after 8 to 12 weeks.

So I said, yeah, I will give it another shot. Tried it for another 30 days and I think around the eight-week mark I saw the first improvements and I decided to keep the device and I kept using it every day for 30 to 60 minutes and I felt like I gradually got better and then after I think five to six months I really noticed that I didn't really have that much symptoms anymore.

I wouldn't say that I'm 100 percent healed, but I would say that I'm at least 80 percent better because before using the device, I had a lot of fatigue, brain fog, and I don't really have those symptoms anymore. And I can live better quite a normal life now. And I'm obviously super, super happy about it.

So I would definitely recommend if you feel like you have anything with your nervous system, try out the device and definitely give it a shot because it for sure helped me improve my health.

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