Nurosym Stories

From Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Vagus Nerve Damage to Daily Nurosym Therapy

"I got it on the recommendation from a neurologist and also from a health visitor who have seen good results with our other patients who have the same condition."

Full Story

I have ME CFS and I have been using Nurosym for the past 11 months on a daily basis. 60 minutes a day, sometimes within there by 30 minutes at a time, twice a day. I got it on the recommendation from a neurologist and also from a health visitor who have seen good results with our other patients who have the same condition.

And by the way, my condition is vicious chronic fatigue syndrome. That's what CFS stands for, which makes me pretty much housebound. I have the severe version of it. I have to say the reason why Nurosym was recommended to me is because I also have damage to my vagus nerve. So using a device like this, theoretically it was meant to help, with also my parasympathetic nervous system which is, underperforming.

As I mentioned, I've been using it regularly. For me, I have not noticed, much of a difference. But again, I am quite, dedicated to it. So hopefully it is going to get better over time. And, I also wanted to really commend the customer service from Nurosym. Every time I had a question or, any issues, they were always very, responsive, and have resolved it immediately.

So, commends to that. Thank you.

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