Nurosym Stories

From Exhaustion, Dizziness, and Heart Palpitations to Better Sleep, Focus, and Energy

"Go get it. Go get this wonderful piece of kit. It is worth every penny. It's also got the most amazing battery life. So I've had it, what, 10 weeks and I haven't charged it once. And I think that's incredible." - Georgina

Georgina's Full Story

 Hi, so the Nurosym. This device in its little grey pouch has been absolutely life-changing. I've been using it now for 10 weeks due to long Covid and POTS. I'm a busy mum of three, very active outdoor lifestyle and that all just turned upside down when I contracted Covid for the fourth time and this time around sadly it's turned into long Covid.

So I was exhausted, permanently dizzy, permanently had the most immense amount of heart palpitations, arrhythmia going on. And just my life had completely flipped, done a 360 on me. And I started using the Nurosym and I now use it twice a day, 30 minutes in the morning which is part of my daily routine, and I wear a lot of dresses with pockets so I can happily pop the Nurosym in there, and then I use it 30 minutes at night or as I'm in bed reading a book.

And I it's for one, improve my sleep quality. I track my sleep on a watch as I think majority of people do these days. And it's showing that I'm having a calmer sleep, deeper sleep, and more importantly, the REM sleep. I'm having a much more REM sleep, which is obviously really important to our health and wellbeing and our sleep quality.

My palpitations have massively decreased. I still get the odd one or two, but that's just as a condition of the long COVID, but they've gone from missing heartbeats almost every 30 seconds or so to only a couple of times a day. The brain fog that I experienced with long COVID, it's I felt like I was an 80-year-old woman.

I've gone from having to take myself step by step on how to make a cup of tea to just being basically being able to function to almost a hundred percent level. I have, bad days like everybody, but I'm so much better now. I don't know where I'd be without the Nurosym and that genuinely.

It has such an impact on me and actually if I do miss a day using it, I can feel that. I can feel myself. I can feel my battery level is more drained and I don't have enough energy to get through the following day so I will need to sleep. I will feel more cloudy headed and I will be more dizzy. The other strange thing that I didn't realize that, and the other few times that I contracted COVID, I think after the first or second time, I had an issue here and I thought it was my sinuses.

I didn't really do anything about it. It was just a little bit annoying, but nothing over the top. What I've realized now is that my, that was my vagus nerve had been all kinked up and interrupted. As soon as I attach this to the left side of my ear. I can feel this part of my face underneath releasing and it's really nice sensation.

And I can just feel the vagus nerve, it taking effect on the vagus nerve. It's helped my gut health as well. It's just an all-round brilliant piece of kit that I think even if you don't have long COVID it's something that is so beneficial to everyone. If we don't keep our body healthy and happy then we can't fulfill our potential.

And this the work it does on the vagus nerve is so important and it really helps. Go get it. Go get this wonderful piece of kit. It is worth every penny. It's also got the most amazing battery life. So I've had it, what, 10 weeks and I haven't charged it once. And I think that's incredible.

So go and get this wonderful piece of kit. Oh, I've knotted it up there. Be careful. Don't break it. And try it out for yourself. Highly recommend it for anyone with long COVID or chronic illness or just anyone generally.

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