Nurosym Stories

From Long COVID and Anxiety to Full Recovery in Five Months

"It was a no-brainer. It was worth the price tag because it was the one thing, it was that penny drop moment that I was like, oh, finally something that can help me through this very dark time." - Charlotte

Charlotte's Full Story

 I got long COVID two years ago now and at the time I was desperate. I had general anxiety, which I'd never experienced before ever, but that's just the nature of the evil illness. It just can inflict any symptom, get into any tissue, and so I tried [Nurosym; formerly Parasym], which was recommended to me by my gastroenterologist, and even my GP had heard about it, and I tried it. It was a no-brainer. It was worth the price tag because it was the one thing, it was that penny drop moment that I was like, oh, finally something that can help me through this very dark time. And then after about five months, yeah, I fully recovered and I was so grateful. And it was nice to have that in my arsenal just to, or my back pocket for if I ever got ill again. So I have been experiencing again post viral fatigue in the last four months.

And then I remembered what I had, so started using it again. And it's amazing how literally in the space of three weeks, so as short as that, I could tell a difference. And as a neuroscientist myself, I know that it's really important that things are backed by science. And the double-blinded clinical trials, they're really helpful and reinforce this narrative that it is, yeah, science backed.

So I'm very grateful.

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