Nurosym Stories

From Low Energy and Poor Sleep to Daily Gym Sessions and Refreshing Mornings

"The depth of the sleep, the quality of the sleep, waking up feeling refreshed. I've also noted a reduction in my pain levels." - Dr. Timothy

Dr. Timothy's Full Story

Hi, my name's Tim. I've been lucky enough to be able to use this new Nurosym device, which is a vagal nerve stimulator for about the last month. It's a device here, and this little ear clip, which clips onto the side of the ear like that. Personally, I've been using it for about one hour each evening, and in the last month I've noticed quite a strong improvement in my sleep.

The depth of the sleep, the quality of the sleep, waking up feeling refreshed. I've also noted a reduction in my pain levels. Generally from the muscle tightness, particularly around the neck upper back region, very much subsided. In addition to that, I've had quite a lot of increase in my daily energy levels.

So I've been able to go to the gym more consistently and whilst I've been at the gym, I've been able to do more there and put in more effort. And that's also had great benefits for my health. So I really plan to keep using this device consistently. About an hour a day, as I said, I'm using it every evening and yeah, I would highly recommend it.

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