Nurosym Stories

From Low Heart Rate Variability to Improved Well-Being: A Case for Nurosym

"I can heartily recommend the system to both individuals for well-being purposes and for other professionals. For private practice, I'm happy to give any kind of recommendation to any kind of individual who wishes to know more. Many thanks and a great thank you to Parasym." - Dr. Jack

Dr. Jack's Full Story

Oh, good afternoon. My name is Dr. Jack Thompson. I'm a biofeedback consultant in private practice. I was introduced to the the Nurosym system a couple of months ago by a professional colleague. She understood that I worked in heart brain coherence and I love to treat trauma in, in an integrated way.

And I was interested in the way that the vagal nerve influences our moods and anxieties. So I decided to get in touch with Parasym and they kindly sent me a system which I've been testing out for the last couple of months on myself. I wanted to do that primarily just to see what the benefits were prior to introducing it to my clients.

And I can say for the last couple of months, I've noticed a remarkable change in my general disposition, in my mood, in my capacity to deal with things better. I use some heart rate variability measures to monitor the progress and certainly my clients. My heart rate variability has increased over the last couple of months.

I combined the Nurosym system with a couple of other measures that I enjoy such as swimming and I like dry saunas as well. So I find the whole integrated way of understanding how the vagal nerve influences our modes is a real positive step in the healthcare and wellbeing direction.

I can heartily recommend the system to both individuals for well-being purposes and for other professionals. For private practice, I'm happy to give any kind of recommendation to any kind of individual who wishes to know more. Many thanks and a great thank you to Parasym. Many thanks.

Bye bye.

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