Nurosym Stories

From Low HRV to 20% Increase: Boosting Heart Health and Reducing Stress

"I just think it's a great product. It's something, like I say, I will continue to utilize and would highly recommend it to anyone that's potentially interested." - Michael

Michael's Full Story

 So I became aware of Nurosym when I started to look into the vagus nerve and particularly the role that it plays within our body in terms of connecting up our brain to all the other major organs. And for me of particular importance there was how it connected up to the heart. So I wear fitness wearables and for many years now I've been tracking things variability, et cetera.

And I know for someone of my age, my HRV score was extremely low. It's a lot better now, but it's, and there's always the room for improvement, but with something like Nurosym and the stimulating that vagus nerve, it's designed to encourage things like the increase of HRV, et cetera. I've been using Nurosym now for about six months.

I have seen probably on average about a 20 percent increase in my HRV score. Now, even during this time as well, I've been doing things like lots of exercise as well to try and even that, like becoming a fitter person is obviously going to be good for your heart, et cetera. But I do feel that the correlation between the time of using Nurosym and those increased scores, I personally feel that Nurosym did play a positive part in that and a low HRV score can often be a key indicator around things like stress and anxiety, et cetera, which I know I can definitely attest to being something that I do experience and just knowing that even my HRV is increasing is just, is personally, it's just, that's the kind of news that I want to see.

And one of the key reasons why I do and will continue to utilize Nurosym I use it for, try and use it for twice a day 30 minutes a session. If I can, I'll try and use it at a time when I'm trying to sit still or want to do something like mindfulness or breathing, et cetera.

But it's so easy to use and just like basically attach it to the tragus of your ear that, you could be watching television, you could be doing a bit of work, et cetera, and it would work just as well. Yeah, for me personally, I just think it's a great product. It's something, like I say, I will continue to utilize and would highly recommend it to anyone that's potentially interested.

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