Nurosym Stories

From Overstimulated Nervous System to Calm and Restful Sleep: Long COVID Symptom Relief with Nurosym

"I purchased this device over others because as a scientist, I really liked that they had many scientific resources. It seems to be really based in science. They had lots of details on it, which I thought was a really good sign that they really knew what they were talking about." - Rebecca

Rebecca's Full Story

Hi there, my name is Rebecca. I'm 32 and I'm based in Ireland. I'm a medical scientist and I've been suffering with long COVID since January 2021. I purchased the Nurosym earlier this year and I've been using it for just over six months. I'm really happy with my purchase. I found it very helpful.

It's now an integral part of my symptom management routine and I wouldn't be without it. I find it really good for helping me fall asleep, good deep restful sleep, really important for those of us with long COVID. I find it really, really good to help me when I'm overstimulated, coming down from a social event, social occasion.

But I've maybe done a little bit too much like we all sometimes do. I find it really, really good and calming my body, calming my nervous system, settling me back into rest and digestion, fight and flight. And I think it's brilliant. So thank you, Nurosym. I purchased this device over others because as a scientist, I really liked that they had many scientific resources.

It seems to be really based in science. They had lots of details on it, which I thought was a really good sign that they really knew what they were talking about. So thank you, Nurosym.

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