Nurosym Stories

From Overwhelmed to Balanced: A Journey to Autonomic Nervous System Regulation with Nurosym

"Overall, I have to say this was really a great experience, and I would like to thank you for the opportunity to make this experience. And since this device is approved as a medical device, I'm very much looking forward now to test this with my clients." - Maya

Maya's Full Story

Hi, my name is Maya. I'm a healthcare professional in the field of neurocentric rehabilitation and training. And I had the opportunity to test the Nurosym Vagus Nerve Stimulation device. Before I use the device with my clients, I wanted to test the device on myself. And I started to use the device in a really highly stressful situation.

And the immediate effect was, I had the best sleep since month. I woke up refreshed and in such a great mood, so I was really in to try the device more. The following weeks, I used the device once or twice a day according to the protocol. During my house activities or shortly before sleep, up to 60 minutes.

And I realized during the next weeks, That I'm more calm and relaxed, that my concentration increased, and my sleep was the best as ever. I could not see any significant changes in my heart rate variability, but I could see changes in the perfusion index. which is also a parameter for the autonomous nervous system.

What was also interesting, depending on my stress level during the day, the intensity that I picked on the device varied. Overall, I have to say this was really a great experience, and I would like to thank you for the opportunity to make this experience. And since this device is approved as a medical device, I'm very much looking forward now to test this with my clients.

Thank you.

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