Nurosym Stories

From POTS to Fewer Rough Days: Managing Headaches, Palpitations, and Fatigue

"It really has made a big difference for me. Everyone's different, but yeah, it's something that's not medications, that doesn't necessarily have side effects. And I'm so grateful. So thank you, Nurosym." - Paige

Paige's Full Story

 I have been using the Nurosym device for about eight months now and it's made such a difference. I suffer with a condition called POTS and I wear this for about an hour at the beginning of each day and it just sets me up for a better day. I still get my rough days but I definitely have fewer of them since I've been using this device and for the last week or so for one reason or another I've been without my Nurosym.

And I can definitely tell a difference. I'm getting more headaches, getting more palpitations, just feeling generally a bit rubbish. But I'm hoping now that I'm restarting to use this that hopefully I'll be feeling a bit better soon. So it really has made a big difference for me. Everyone's different, but yeah, it's something that's not medications, that doesn't necessarily have side effects.

And I'm so grateful. So thank you, Nurosym.

Thank you.

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