Nurosym Stories

From Severe ME CFS and POTS Symptoms to Symptom Relief and Energy with Nurosym

"It has been worth every penny and I can look back confidently and say, I'm so pleased that I decided to spend that money on this device because I've got no idea what state, I would be in, with health and employment, et cetera, at this moment in time without it. So, the Nurosym has been a great amount of relief for me." - Simon

Simon's Full Story

In March this year, I was diagnosed with ME CFS. Additionally, I was diagnosed with postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome or POTS. This was after about 12 to 18 months of different tests and appointments with different specialists. At that point in time, I was given some information about how the NHS in the UK, treats or helps deal with, CFS specifically.

And that's based around the system of spoons, which I'm sure many of you have heard of or many of you are even using. That is an idea of where you manage your symptoms and your energy levels. Through distributing those spoons or bits of energy to specific tasks. It doesn't obviously gain you any extra spoons, it doesn't reduce any of your symptoms but helps you manage those symptoms that you are no doubt sadly struggling with, for me at the time that seemed really depressing.

I was having severe issues with my stomach, severe acid reflux. My heart was kind of a little bit crazy and very reactive. And I was waking up at night with a very fast heart rate. I was sleeping on the sofa upright to try and stop the damage it was causing to my mouth because of the acid reflux.

And of course, my energy levels were basically non-existent. So at this point in time, I started doing some research online and that's when I came across the Nurosym. And, at the time, I was looking at lots of the other neurostimulators, but the reason I was particularly focused on the Nurosym was because of the quality and depth of information they had.

I was able to share that with my GP, who looked it over with me and said that although it's not something they would necessarily recommend for the NHS, the science behind it seemed sound to her and with that sort of input I went ahead and bought myself a Nurosym. So I started using that back in, March of this year.

At that point in time I was taking a double dosage of a PPI to control my stomach acid which didn't even touch it or have any effect on it at all. But within about six days of starting to use the Nurosym my stomach just calmed down and those symptoms disappeared, really quickly. A few days later, my heart reactivity and the symptoms I was getting from that started to decline significantly.

And although my energy levels didn't obviously bounce to what I'd love them to be, they were certainly a little bit better. I was seeing a reduction in headaches. My sleep was obviously massively improved. I was able to return to my own bed instead of sleeping, sitting upright on a sofa. And, over the weeks that followed, a lot of the symptoms I was experiencing quite extremely, seemed to reduce.

Now, I have a job, which I'm very fortunate, it's very flexible, but also that I really enjoy. And at the point of starting with the Nurosym, I was really concerned. That I wasn't going to be able to keep hold of that job. So this improvement in my symptoms was incredibly welcomed and an absolutely enormous, amount of relief to me as I was really struggling at the time.

Now I don't want to stress really that the Nurosym hasn't cured anything. I still struggle with fatigue. I still struggle with, stomach problems, my heart is still reactive. However, what the Nurosym has been it's been like a volume control. The volume was sort of turned up to 10, at that point in time.

Well, it felt to me like 10, I'm sure some of you might be experiencing much worse symptoms than I am or I was. But the Nurosym was able to turn that dial back. It turned it down to maybe a five or a six, which doesn't sound like a, you know, certainly not a cure. It's not like everything disappeared.

However, at that moment in time, it was an enormous amount of relief and allowed me to go back to work, allow me to, do things that I hadn't done, go out for the day with the family, enjoy time with the kids, which sort of dropped off massively at that point in time. Now I still struggle with symptoms, I still struggle with some of the problems that I've described there.

But the Nurosym, which I use twice a day for 30 minutes, has certainly given me a great deal of relief. I was very anxious at the time when I bought it about the price. It's obviously, it's a decent amount of money, 600 pounds. Not many people can just, throw 600 pounds at something like that.

However, it has been worth every penny and I can look back confidently and say, I'm so pleased that I decided to spend that money on this device because I've got no idea what state, I would be in, with health and employment, et cetera, at this moment in time without it. So, the Nurosym has been a great amount of relief for me.

And I wanted to create this video just to share that with people, because, there's a hope for me that other people might get the same benefit from using it. It may not be something that your GP in the UK rushes to recommend for you. But, it does offer some relief. And I have seen a few other people and specialists to help me, since I started using it.

Many of which have taken a huge amount of interest in this device and what it's been able to do and the help it's been able to give me and the help that they've been able to see within some of my test results, looking at my heart, et cetera. So, it does work. It does do something. It does help you with the symptoms to what level I obviously can't tell you, but for me, it's been a wonderful relief and I'm really grateful that I've been able to use it for the last five or six months.

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