Nurosym Stories

From Severe Post-Viral Fatigue to Energy for Work and Study

"It's just amazing. And really, the only thing that's changed is starting to use the Nurosym. So yeah, I'm really grateful for the changes that seem to have occurred since I started using Nurosym. So yeah, thank you very much to Nurosym. Been some great improvements in my life." - Alice

Alice's Full Story

 Hi I wanted to share with you my recent experience with Nurosym. I recently, or not that long ago, started looking into vagus nerve stimulation because I suffered for about 20 years from severe post-viral fatigue, and it's had a huge impact on my life. I haven't been able to work or study for some periods during my life because of this post-viral fatigue or to have a social life, or it's had many big impacts on my life, and not so long ago, I had to actually give up my job.

Because the fatigue became so bad so when I came across vagus nerve stimulation, I was really interested, and I wanted to find out more about it, so I did quite a lot of research into it, and I came across the Nurosym device, and I bought the Nurosym because I thought that it looks like it was a very good quality item.

And it had the best quality research associated with it. So, that was why I bought the Nurosym over other vagus nerve stimulators. And I'm really glad that I did buy it. Because it has helped me so much to recover from my long-standing post-viral fatigue problems.

I was actually amazed by how much it helped me to mainly overcome the fatigue. I used it, started off using it for about 90 minutes per day, split up into three different sessions. So I'd meditate with it in the morning for 30 minutes and in the evening for 30 minutes. And then maybe at lunchtime, I'd use it for 30 minutes as well.

And whilst I was using it, I felt really really, calm, a really deep sense of calm, much more than I normally feel when I'm just meditating. I feel much, much calmer and my heart rate really slowed down. My mind really slowed down, which is nice because it's normally just buzzing around and yeah, it's not, it's difficult to calm my mind down, but the Nurosym seems to manage to make me feel nice and calm, which is great.

So yeah, it was brilliant to be able to feel more energy and an increased sense of calm. It's also helped my sleep pattern. I used to wake up quite often at about 3 am, especially if I was feeling a little bit stressed or worried about something. But that actually rarely happens now since I've started using the Nurosym.

Much, much more often than not, I will sleep through the whole night, which is really good. It's fantastic. So yeah, that's been a big improvement. And the other thing that has improved as well is I had digestive issues for a long time. Yeah, chronic constipation, bloating issues, sort of IBS type stuff.

And that's been for many years since I started using Nurosym. So that has improved massively, which is great. It's just fantastic. I can't believe how much it's improved. It's just really good. I'm so pleased. Yeah, and all this has been happening. Whilst I've actually gone back to work, I've started a new job.

Quite this sort of stressful new job as well. It involves a lot of study as well as working, and so it's quite intense. It's quite, quite a lot of energy required for it, and so far, touch wood, I am managing to have enough energy to actually do the job and the study as well, which is just incredible. I never thought that I would be able to do that.

It's just amazing. And really, the only thing that's changed is starting to use the Nurosym. So yeah, I'm really grateful for the changes that seem to have occurred since I started using Nurosym. So yeah, thank you very much to Nurosym. Been some great improvements in my life.

Thank you.

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