From Stress and Poor Sleep to Relaxation and Better Morning Recovery
"I have already had a very high baseline, but I still managed to improve it for about four to five percentage points. After over the period of a month when I was using Nurosym." - Mario
Mario's Full Story
Hi, my name is Mario and I'm a medical doctor in Germany and I've been using Nurosym for about a month now. I started using Nurosym because I wanted to find a way to manage stress and to promote better sleep, especially in the evenings. And this is where I've been using Nurosym for about half an hour in the evenings.
It's very easy to integrate in my personal routine because I can basically use it when I'm reading a book or watching a movie or also doing some work tasks in the evening. And what I did notice was I felt a little more focused, where I was more focused when I was doing work in the evening. And also my sleep subjectively got a little bit better in terms of, I felt more relaxed when I woke up in the morning after using Nurosym in the evening before.
So that was very interesting and also very helpful for me. And I'm also tracking my HRV. I'm using tracking ring and also a smartwatch. And what I noticed was that my HRV increased by about four to five percentage points. I'm already at a very high HRV level because I'm very focused on recovery and I'm also at good sleep.
I have already had a very high baseline, but I still managed to improve it for about four to five percentage points. After over the period of a month when I was using Nurosym.