Nurosym Stories

From Stressful Emergency Shifts to Restful Sleep and Mental Clarity

"Using the Parasym device personally and professionally has been quite a significant positive in my life and I continue to use it and look forward to getting more benefit out of it as time goes by." - Steve

Steve's Full Story

 Hi, my name is Steve. I'm an emergency medicine physician, and I've really enjoyed using the Parasym device for a couple of key reasons. One reason is that sleep has always been a challenge for me. My shifts can start at four in the morning, 12 noon, 8 p. m., midnight. And we're obviously dealing with a lot of stressful situations in the emergency and critical care department.

I find that the Parasym's been really helpful. A game changer in terms of helping my sleep hygiene as using the Parasym about an hour before I sleep really helps calm me down and put me to sleep faster and helps me have a more restful sleep as well. I was not able to do this prior to using the Parasym device and was only having incremental success with all the different changes I would make to my sleep hygiene pattern.

But the Parasym has definitely made the most substantial change to my sleep hygiene. So I'm quite thankful that and regularly use it at least once a day. The other thing I find really helpful, It's just the ability to think and reflect on the difficult shifts that I sometimes have it's takes a bit of time to get into that zone where you can think calmly and reflect and using the Parasym device is also useful in that respect as it helps really put me in that zone where I can think calmly and clearly so using the Parasym device personally and professionally has been quite a significant positive in my life and I continue to use it and look forward to getting more benefit out of it as time goes by.

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