Nurosym Stories

From Struggling with Procrastination to More Motivation and Productivity

"The fact that I've had less procrastination, more motivation and I've been more present are like three massive, massive things that have added loads to my life so I am super pleased with this and I only wish I got it sooner. I feel like every parent would actually benefit from it." - Hayley

Hayley's Full Story

So I've had this Nurosym device for a whole month now, and here's what I've noticed. So, as a nutritionist, I know a lot about health, and I'm always, you know, in the realm of nervous system regulation. But I have got quite a full life, I'm a single mum, I homeschool, I'm obviously running a business. I suffer from, you know, from overwhelm a lot and procrastination, so just putting off tasks, not knowing where to start.

But actually in the last month of using this, I've got way more done than I have in months. So I'm just finding that I'm, my procrastination has gone down, my motivation has gone up, which is amazing. I've also noticed that I'm way more present, so even for instance, if I'm out in nature, like walking in nature, I would say that my sense of direction has not been great.

Like my whole life I'd easily get lost. Whereas now I, I notice like landmarks and little beautiful things in nature that I would never really be aware of before. So that's like a huge deal. And I just feel that a regulated nervous system, especially something as easy as using this, is definitely where it's at.

The fact that I've had less procrastination, more motivation and I've been more present are like three massive, massive things that have added loads to my life so I am super pleased with this and I only wish I got it sooner. I feel like every parent would actually benefit from it.

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