Nurosym Stories

Grinding Fatigue and Post-Exertional Malaise Transformed by Nurosym

"After years of spending a lot of money trying everything, it's wonderful to actually find something that's making a tangible difference that I can see. So I'd really recommend Nurosym." - Anne

Anne's Full Story

 Hi, my name's Anne and I've had ME chronic fatigue syndrome for the last 12 and a half years. I've tried everything like most people have to help with symptoms which has helped to some extent, but I started using the Nurosymin April of 2024, so about six and a half months ago. And what I've found is I'm using it in conjunction with a illness tracker, so something that monitors my heart rate variability and my heart rate.

And what I've noticed is my symptoms with ME CFS seem to have decreased over time by using the Nurosym. I use it maybe three times a day. I don't think I need to use it that often probably, but it's really easy to use. So I just clip it onto my ear first thing in the morning and have it in place for about 15 minutes.

And then a couple more times during the day if I have time. And I've seen a definite improvement in my heart rate variability. And when I look at my symptom scores. So things that I typically struggle with are. grinding fatigue, so awful exhaustion post-exertional malaise, and also all the other symptoms of just feeling very unwell.

And I found that I'm having many more better days now where I feel cognitively a lot clearer and I don't seem to be having as much fatigue as I've had previously, which is, this is a game changer for me. After years of spending a lot of money trying everything, it's wonderful to actually find something that's making a tangible difference that I can see.

So I'd really recommend Nurosym.

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