Nurosym Stories

Improving Chronic Fatigue and Post-Exertional Malaise with Parasym Therapy

"In terms of my general health, the amount I'm able to do has increased... before Parasym, I was functioning at about 20 percent... and now I'm functioning at about 30%." - Michael

Michael's Full Story

I bought the Parasym device about six months ago, to try and treat my post viral ME or chronic fatigue syndrome. I caught a virus in 2013 and have been ill since then, so that's nearly 11 years. I've also been diagnosed with Pott's syndrome, dysautonomia and chronic Lyme disease. My main issues are post-exertional malaise, so any kind of exertion, physical or mental leads to a worsening of my symptoms, brain fog, fatigue, issues such as this.

Since I started using the Parasym device, I have noticed a gradual and slight improvement over the six months. I use a device to measure my heart rate variability. And at the beginning, overnight heart rate variability averaged at around 31, 32. And now it averages at around 36.

In terms of my general health, the amount I'm able to do has increased. I would say that before Parasym, I was functioning at about 20 percent of what I could do before the illness. And now I'm functioning at about 30% of what I could do. So it's fairly significant, but I'm still quite disabled.

Going forward, I plan to continue using the Parasym device. I have a belief that the longer you are sick and the sicker you are probably, the longer it will take to recover. So it's a slow journey alongside the Parasym device. I'm doing a breathing techniques and I'm really trying to work on improving the functioning of my vagus nerve, encouraging parasympathetic activity and getting into that rest and digest state.

I believe that the virus, my lack of recovery was due to not necessarily the virus still being present, but that my body shifted into some kind of sickness state, which it got stuck in. So I'm hoping to gradually reset myself to homeostasis.

It's a slow process. But I'm seeing slight improvement, and I'm definitely going to carry on with the Parasym device in the hope that, I can continue to improve. Whether I'll cure myself, who knows, but definitely positive steps in the right direction.

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