Nurosym Stories

Long COVID, Brain Fog, and Burnout: A Path to Mental Clarity and Energy

"It's really simple to use and it, I'm not one for hyperbole, but it's been life-changing for me and I'm so glad I decided to give it a go." - Jo

Jo's Full Story

Hi, I'm Jo. I'm a copywriter, law student, and mum of three from Cheshire in England, and I've been using Nurosym for around two months now. I first came across it when I was looking for alternative treatments for what seemed like long COVID, mixed with maybe perimenopause, autoimmune conditions, autistic burnout.

There was a list as long as my arm, and I wasn't getting any help from the medical community really, or from lifestyle changes, or super supplements. So Nurosym really for me was a last resort. I was at the end of my tether, I'd noticed a massive cognitive decline. And, really, I couldn't carry on juggling all the things that I normally do.

So when I saw Nurosym, it was when I was looking at a vagus nerve stimulation, and I'd seen quite a few methods by which it could be done. And Nurosym seemed like a really uninvasive, easy way to, to go about it. So yes, it was expensive. But what price can you put on trying to get results?

And with the 30 day money back trial. I really was convinced to give it a go. Notwithstanding, I did some of, some serious research into their studies and what the medical community was saying about vagus nerve stimulation. So, once I got it, it's a tiny thing. It's literally this tiny clip here and your little control thing.

And all you have to do is put it up to a level that you find comfortable and put it on for, well, I started with half an hour a day and I've kept at that half an hour, twice a day, sorry. And the results have been phenomenal. I'm a bit of a data geek. So I use, uh, brain training apps daily to track my mental performance.

And I'd seen a massive decline before using Nurosym, the previous two years, and I was really struggling with memory and brain fog and anxiety. And I think within probably about two weeks of using Nurosym, I started noticing a real improvement now two months in and my memory scores on brain training and my cognitive scores on brain training are massively almost back up to where they were before I started noticing things going downhill.

Add to that the fact that I've got more mental energy, more physical energy. I feel better in myself. I'm sleeping better. There's really, there are vast improvements, and I can't put it down to anything else that I've been trying. It's got to be Nurosym because that's when I started. seeing the results and that's when I started getting a bit hopeful that things were going to get better.

Now two months in and I almost feel like I'm back to my best. So yes, it's not cheap, but wow. It's definitely worth, worth working with. It's really simple to use and it, I'm not one for hyperbole, but it's been life-changing for me and I'm so glad I decided to give it a go.

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