Nurosym Stories

Managing Long COVID Flare-Ups and Chronic Fatigue with Nurosym

"I'm extremely satisfied with it. I think it was entirely worth the investment and I have in fact recommended it to many of my friends and people I know who've had issues like chronic fatigue syndrome and long COVID" - Filipe

Filipe's Full Story

Hi, I wanted to share my feedback on the Nurosym device for vagus nerve stimulation. I have been using it for just shy of a year to help me recover from long COVID. It's been, it's been really, really helpful. I can't say that it's the silver bullet, but it's definitely been an important and indispensable part of my recovery protocol.

It's definitely helped me. Many, many times, calm down when I felt overwhelmed, it's helped me as well to improve my heart rate variability and I think most importantly, and this is where it's been like, it's been a lot more visible immediate effect has been to soothe when I have flare-ups or dips with the long COVID.

So I'm extremely satisfied with it. I think it was entirely worth the investment and I have in fact recommended it to many of my friends and people I know who've had issues like chronic fatigue syndrome and long COVID. I think it's a terrific piece and I'll continue to use it for as long as I possibly can.

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