Nurosym Stories

Navigating Postural Heart Rate Abnormalities: The Healing Power of Nurosym

"I'm so happy to say that I have made some really big improvements."

I live with postural heart rate abnormalities. And when I first got diagnosed with postural heart rate abnormalities, I was miserable.

I could hardly get out of bed without feeling intense pain, and feeling like I was going to pass out.

I had to quit my job, I couldn't even sit through church. I was basically bedbound.

And since then, I've been on a journey to find things to help me with my postural heart rate abnormalities.

I'm so happy to say that I have made some really big improvements.

Lately, one of the things that I have been using is this.

It's called Nurosym.

It's a neuromodulation device that stimulates brainstem regions through the vagus nerve. And I love it.

It significantly decreases my anxious thoughts. I feel myself instantly calm.

And when I have more anxious throught, my postural heart rate abnormalities symptoms flare up as well.

I've noticed my heart rate just overall get lower, as well as my heart palpitations. Overall, I have loved using this, and it has helped my postural heart rate abnormalities symptoms significantly.

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