Nurosym Stories

Nurosym Device: From Vagus Nerve Irritation to Enhanced Well-being

"It ended up just being really great for me. It's helped me feel calmer throughout the day, and it helps ease just kind of everyday stress and inflammation in my body." - Lauren

Lauren's Full Story

So I started using the [Nurosym; formerly Parasym] device after a doctor recommended it personally to me.

I had been going into his office a couple of times a week to get vagal, vagus nerve stimulation done, with this big giant machine that they like hook up and it was just a really big time commitment and it was really expensive.

So he recommended, this device to me that he recommended to a couple of his other patients.

And it ended up just being really great for me. It's helped me feel calmer throughout the day, and it helps ease just kind of everyday stress and inflammation in my body.

I have a condition where basically, the, my neck is a little bit, the ligaments in it are a little too loose. And so my vertebrae can kind of rub up against my vagus nerve and cause a lot of irritation to that area.

And so having a device that's able to kind of stimulate my vagus nerve and calm it down a little bit has just really done wonders for my overall health.

I feel just a lot more at peace and like I have more energy to do things throughout the day and even just like little things like, I might have, have had more reactions to random substances in the past because my immune system is a little more on edge because my vagus nerve is a little bit more on edge.

And so using this device can actually help with that too. And that's been really great.

I use it almost every day, and it's really easy to use at just any point during the day while I'm washing dishes, or while I'm, you know, watching TV, or while I'm trying to go to sleep.

And so, it's just, it's really easy to incorporate into my every day, and, yeah, I've really enjoyed it.

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