Nurosym Stories

Nurosym Device Review: Easing Low Moods & Improving Mental Health

"I've been using this product for two weeks now and I feel that I've had a slight improvement in my mental health. I feel calmer and I also feel less depressive."

Hello I'm doing a product review for the Nurosym device. It is made up of two items, an ear clip as you can see here and a remote handset which looks like this.

I've been using this product for two weeks now and I feel that I've had a slight improvement in my mental health. I feel calmer and I also feel maybe less depressed.

I'm not sure. It's early days. I'm hoping that when I've used it for four weeks and for six weeks, I will see a considerable difference, but so far it's good.

I really like the product and I am continuing to use it twice a day for 30 minutes. Thank you.

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