Nurosym Stories

Nurosym Intervention in Atrial Fibrillation: From Resistance to Relief

"The Nurosym collaboration with the breathing training improved my quality of life drastically and without having the side effect of the extensive and expensive medication." - Gunter

Gunter's Full Story

My name is Gunter from Dusseldorf, Germany. I'm suffering paroxysmal atrial fibrillation since 15 years.

So the symptoms were coming and going, lasting between 5 minutes and a couple of days, 4 to 5.

By using Oryx calcium channel blockers, I had a good control of the AFib until beginning of, 22. Then AFib became more or less persistent.

Therefore, my cardiologist suggested me making a cardiac ablation, which had done in May 22.

After the ablation, things gets better for three to four months, then AFib gets back.

Now, instead of going back to medication again, my cardiologist suggested me making a lung training, well, more or less a breathing training, plus pelvic floor exercise, plus using the Nurosym daily.

I was starting using the Nurosym for 60 minutes. At level 20-22, increasing it to 25.

There is a light tickling at the ear, far from being uncomfortable.

For three weeks, there was no change in the symptoms or the use of Nurosym made no sense for me.

But, after three weeks, things are getting better and better and better. The AFib episodes got shorter in time with an increasing number of days without any symptoms.

After using the Nurosym now for more than one and a half year, episodes of AFib are not frequently anymore.

There are coming, if at all, perhaps two to three times a month, especially when I'm getting very nervous.

My Apple Watch, which is monitoring my heartbeat, displaying on its weekly report, that AFib is 2 percent or less.

I think that's the lowest classification the watch is displaying, the watch is displaying. Beside the help against the AFib, I found out that the Nurosym is helping against insomnia also.

I usually wake up at one o'clock in the night and could not find sleep for two to three hours.

I started using the Nurosym just after waking up at night and, surprise, surprise, I could find sleep within 10 to 15 minutes.

Sometimes, even directly after the first tickling on the, ear as I was using Nurosym frequently, there was no acclimatization time necessary.

So for me, the Nurosym collaboration with the breathing training improved my quality of life drastically and without having the side effect of the extensive and expensive medication.

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