Nurosym Stories

Restlessness, Agitation, Racing Mind, and Anxiety Reduced to Manageable Calm

"I really struggle to have the discipline and to stick with it for a long period of time, and what I find Nurosym is that I find it quite easy because it's such an easy thing to use."

Full Story

So I was recommended the Nurosym actually by my mum. She'd bought one and she seemed to like it. And I was experiencing symptoms that I could only best describe as a kind of permanent background feeling of restlessness, agitation, anxiety, like a racing mind. And this would be, this would lead to things like digestive issues, sleep issues.

You know, it's like my whole system, my whole nervous system was just like turned up to 11 out of 10 and it was just kind of running too fast and kind of too hot. And you know, it was those sorts of things that the Nurosym was kind of claiming to help with. So I thought I'd give it a go. I borrowed my mom's at first.

And I didn't really notice anything for the first two weeks, but then after about two, yeah, let's say roughly two weeks, I was kind of noticing that. It wasn't like there was this overnight curing effect where I, oh my god, I'm never experiencing the, I'm not experiencing those things anymore, those symptoms.

It was more like they went from like 11 out of 10 down to like a 6 out of 10. Like, the, everything I just described kind of just went down. And, you know, my mind calmed a bit. My body calmed a bit. My heart wasn't always as racing. My blood pressure wasn't as high. I wasn't as kind of that agitated feeling quite as much.

It was still there. I'm not claiming like that's it. You know because I've been suffering with these things for a long time, but it just made it go from something quite unmanageable to like a six out of ten like I can deal with that, you know, that's quite a big chunk of improvement without actually having to do very much and I think that's one of the things that actually made it so easy to use is that it's easy, it's non-invasive, it's not difficult.

You know, things in the past, I've maybe, other treatments I've maybe tried, and different things I've tried to address these symptoms. I really struggle to have the discipline and to stick with it for a long period of time, and what I find Nurosym is that I find it quite easy because it's such an easy thing to use.

It's discreet. No one notices it. I could be sitting at my desk at work. I could be sitting on my computer at home or watching TV or whatever, and you don't even notice it. I mean, I personally, you know, I experience a very slight kind of prickling sensation when I have it on. It doesn't hurt, but it's a slight tingling, and it's not unpleasant at all.

It's just there. You kind of forget about it. And yeah, I've just found that I'm sleeping that bit better. I'm a little bit less anxious. My mind is that little bit calmer. And as a result, what symptoms are left, I just feel much more able to just deal with those. They're much more manageable.

So, yeah.

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