Stress and Overwhelm to Relaxation and Balance with Nurosym
"We believe that this medical device is something that is likely to help quite a few of our patients as we move forward. We love the ease of use. We love the fact that it will allow our patients to be consistent with it. And I think in the long term, and really moderate term, it allows us to have a modality that sort of becomes reasonably cost-effective to use. " - Pete
Pete's Full Story
Hi, I'm Pete Williams. I'm the founder of Functional Medicine Associates. We are a chronic disease practice using a systems medicine approach in central London. We see a lot of patients were of part of the chronic disease picture have some degree of dysautonomia. So the nervous system is dysregulated in some way, and that's problematic from a point of view of trying to help them on their journey to get better.
So we're always looking for modalities or methods that we can consistently use to try and help that nervous system within other strategies to get better and work a little bit better. And we've come across Nurosym. Been using it now with patients for about six months. And this is a medical device where you have a signal sent from the machine that tries to just basically start to regulate the nervous system.
What we like about it, and again, we're early days with it at the moment, but what we like about it is it's incredibly simple to use. You simply turn it on, put it around the side of your ear and you can literally get on with your day. And so one of the key things for us for getting people better is the consistency of using modalities that we know, number one, have reasonable science behind them, and then number two, can be used consistently.
And we believe that this medical device is something that is likely to help quite a few of our patients as we move forward. We love the ease of use. We love the fact that it will allow our patients to be consistent with it. And I think in the long term, and really moderate term, it allows us to have a modality that sort of becomes reasonably cost-effective to use.