Nurosym Stories

Stress to Rest and Digest Mode with Nurosym

"So overall I find Nurosym is definitely a beneficial tool for managing stress and promoting relaxation. It may not be a one-size-fits-all all for all kinds of health conditions, but it's certainly a useful device that I plan on continuing to use." - Dr. David

Dr. David's Full Story

 Hi, I'm Dr. Browning from Precision Health Optimization and today I'm going to be sharing with you my experience using the Nurosym device over the last month. Nurosym is a vagus nerve stimulator, transcutaneous. Surgically implanted vagus nerve stimulators have been around for a while with strong evidence of benefit.

So Nurosym is a novel way of achieving the same results or attempting to achieve the same results without the need for surgery. So my first impression is that it's very solid, it's well made. It's easy to use and it clips onto your left ear allowing you to wear it comfortably while you're doing other things like making a video.

I want to focus solely on my experience. There is research available. If you're interested in that, you can check that out on their website and there are more trials ongoing. One thing I've noticed is that my heart rate predictably decreases as soon as I put it on, which does speak to the sort of the stimulation of the vagus nerve and the rest and digest mode.

I do find it quite enjoyable to use, and I use it in the evening, typically for about 30 minutes to half an hour. And the most pronounced effect I find is if I'm in an agitated or anxious state, then it quickly switches into this rest and digest mode, and you can almost feel it. I don't know if that's a, an artifact of my imagination, but it feels like your digestion is switched on, which is certainly interesting.

Over the course of the month, I've definitely noticed a more consistent and steady feeling of calm, especially during moments that trigger stress. And so by targeting the vagus nerve, the device effectively enhances your parasympathetic nervous system, putting me into the rest and digest state more often.

And this shift has ultimately helped me sleep better and feel less on edge during the day. I do wonder if perhaps, meditation could achieve the same results, but it's been difficult for me in my life to have a proper sleep. consistent sort of meditation practice, but having this is a really useful tool to get you into that habit.

So overall I find Nurosym is definitely a beneficial tool for managing stress and promoting relaxation. It may not be a one-size-fits-all all for all kinds of health conditions, but it's certainly a useful device that I plan on continuing to use.

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