Nurosym Stories

Tachycardia and Dysautonomia post-COVID: Finding Comfort with Nurosym

"I use Nurosym and will continue to use it because it really improves the quality of my life." - Tracy

Tracy Clagett's Full Story

 Hi, I use [Nurosym; formerly Parasym] because it improves the symptoms that I have related to several syndromes that are caused by dysautonomia post COVID.

Before using [Nurosym; formerly Parasym], I really, really struggled and things were really hard.

I use [Nurosym; formerly Parasym] because although it doesn't eliminate all of my symptoms, it does improve them and that improves the quality of my life.

For example less palpitations, less tachycardia with your heart beating faster. Just an overall, a little bit better feeling, so less feeling like you have the flu all of the time.

I am very, very grateful for it and I continue to use it because it makes a difference. For me, it's a daily game changer.

In fact, one day I just forgot to use it and I kept thinking, why do I feel so bad? What did I do? What did I forget? What triggered this? And then it dawned on me.

Oh, you forgot the [Nurosym; formerly Parasym] this morning. So when I went back and used it within an hour or two, I started feeling better.

Not even that, I started feeling better pretty quickly.

So again, I use [Nurosym; formerly Parasym] and will continue to use it because it really improves the quality of my life.

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