Nurosym Stories

Managing Stress and Inflammation without Steroids: Trevor's Success with Nurosym

"I felt very calm and relaxed after each session. I also found that my stress levels reduced considerably, enabling my body to go into self healing mode. I have been using the device into my daily routine. I could not imagine not using it." - Trevor

Trevor's Full Story

Hello, my name is Trevor. I have been fighting with inflammation and told by my healthcare provider that we don't know what is wrong, but they did want to put me on long term steroids.

I started to research how I could help myself. I came across [Nurosym; formerly Parasym]. And I was intrigued with the concept that the device works to harness the therapeutic mechanism of the vagus nerve.

I carried out further research into the vagus nerve. To discover that the vagus nerve is responsible for regulating internal organ function such as digestion, heart rate, and respiratory rate. I decided to purchase the unit.

As I started to use it, I decided to couple this with doing slow breathing exercises.

And I found I felt very calm and relaxed after each session. I also found that my stress levels reduced considerably, enabling my body to go into self healing mode.

I have been using the device into my daily routine. I could not imagine not using it.

I therefore highly recommend you try it, especially as a free trial is offered, but do give it time to work, such as I did, and you will reap the benefits.

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