i1-11 30-days Trial

  • If you try AVNT™ daily for 30 days and aren’t happy with your results, we’ll send you a full refund of your AVNT™ Kit.  No questions asked. 
  • Given the remarkable results AVNT™ has had in scientific studies and with our users around the world, we’re confident in its health-restoring effects. 
  • Our goal will always be to restore our collective health - restoring health for as many people as we can and in turn, restoring the health of our planet. 
  • If AVNT™ doesn’t work for you for any reason, we’re happy to send you a refund. 
  • This refund period is available 30 days after the date of purchase and expires the following week (37 days after the date of purchase).
  • The refund will be issued once we receive your tracking code for the return.
  • To receive a refund, Contact us